Claim A Listing:

      We have added in the ability for each listing owner to claim ownership of a listing so that you will have complete control over your listing information and listing media.

      If your listing has been added to the Senioridy website, it can be claimed by following these simple steps:

      1. Register - Create an account here. There is no charge, you just need to sign up with a Company name, create your login (username and password), and give us your email address. The email address you sign up with will receive all system communications (like contact request notifications).
      2. Verify - You will receive a verification email at the email address you sign up with to ensure the email is correct (and to keep fake users from signing up). If you do not receive that email then please contact us and let us know.
      3. Login - Once you click the verification link you can proceed to login by clicking the My Stuff button.
      4. Claim Listing - You can then proceed to your listing and claim it by clicking on the Claim Listing button in the upper right of the listing (only logged in registered users can see this button).
      5. Claim Verification - Once you claim the listing we will receive a notification that you are trying to claim the listing. We have to approve all listing claims before you can administer the listing. Once we approve it you will receive an email letting you know that your claim has been approved.
      6. Login - You can then login and visit your listing.
      7. Edit - Once logged in as the listing owner you will be able to see a gear icon on your listing. Clicking the icon will produce a menu with some maintenance options. You can edit your listing or add/edit your media from that menu.
      8. Update Often - Feel free to visit the listing as often as you would like to add new, relevant information to your listing. You can add videos from YouTube, create links to your social pages, and upload menus or brochures to share with your page visitors.

      Submit A Listing:

      If you would like to add listing to the Senioridy website, you can do so by following these simple steps:

      1. Register - Create an account here. There is no charge, you just need to sign up with a Company name, create your login (username and password), and give us your email address. The email address you sign up with will receive all system communications (like contact request notifications).
      2. Verify - You will receive a verification email at the email address you sign up with to ensure the email is correct (and to keep fake users from signing up). If you do not receive that email then please contact us and let us know.
      3. Login - Once you click the verification link you can proceed to login by clicking the My Stuff button.
      4. Add Listing - just click on the Add Listing button and you will see the user panel slide out from the left. Just select the Add Listings button form that panel. You will be directed to the Add Listing page where you will be prompted to add all of your listing information.
      5. Add Media - Once the listing is submitted you will be directed to the listing's media page. You can upload up to 12 photos, add up to 4 video links (these will automatically embed directly into the video page on your listing), and add up to 3 attachments (PDFs only - menus, newsletters, brochures, etc)
      6. Verification - When a new listing has been added to the website we will automatically receive notification. If the listing complies with our Terms of Use we will publish the listing right away.
      7. Notification - You will receive a notification as soon as your listing has been reviewed and published.
      8. Update Often - Feel free to visit the listing as often as you would like to add new, relevant information to your listing. You can add videos from YouTube, create links to your social pages, and upload menus or brochures to share with your page visitors.

      Editing Your Listing:

      You can visit the Senioridy website anytime you'd like in order to keep your listing up to date with fresh, relevant information. In order to edit a listing that you have either claimed or created just follow these simple steps:

      1. Login
      2. Visit Your listing
      3. Click on the gear icon in the upper right of the listing
      4. Select to Edit the Listing
      5. Make whatever changes you would like to the listing information and press the save button at the bottom of the listing.
      6. If you'd like to add more photos, videos or attachments click on the gear icon and select Add Media. You will be taken to the Media page where you can upload or link to the new media assets.
      7. Edit Media - If you would like to edit media that is already added click the gear icon and select the Edit Media selection. From the edit media page you can delete images you no longer want, reorder the images by dragging them into order, and selecting which media will act as the main image for the listing by clicking the star icon on the image.