How to Create a User Account on Senioridy

      With a user account, you can perform the following tasks:

      1. Add a Provider Listing
      2. Manage a Listing you have added or have claimed (Change info, add/edit images, files, and videos)
      3. Claim an existing Listing
      4. Bookmark Provider Listings so that you can remember which ones you liked, didn't like, visited, or have applied to

      But before you can do any of those things, you must first register for a user account on Senioridy. 

      • Go to the Login page and click the Register Here Link
      • Fill in the form with your accurate information (Full Name, create a username and password, and add your email address). As a tip, you can use your email as your username if that is easier for you to remember.
      • Once you click the Register button a notice will display at the top of the page in green letting you know that your account must be activated.
      • Go to your email (the one you registered with) and click on the link in the Senioridy Account Details email
      • As soon as you click the link, you will be brought to a login page, and you will see a note at the top letting you know that your account has been activated.
      • You now have an active account on Senioridy and can log in with the username and password you created in Step 2 above.

      That's all you have to do to set up a new user account on Senioridy!


      How to add a New Listing on Senioridy

      1. Create a user account (see above)
      2. Log in
      3. Click on the Add A Listing link at the top of the website
      4. Select the type of Listing you'd like to add (Community, Care, Low Income, or Service)
      5. Fill the form out with as much information as possible
      6. Initially, you will not be able to add media until your listing has been approved. Typically we approve listings in a day or two, sometimes much sooner. 
      7. Once a listing has been approved, we will publish it and you will be notified via email that your listing has been published.
      8. Once a listing is published, you may return to Senioridy, login, and visit your newly approved listing. In order to edit it or add media, follow the steps below.


      How to Edit an Existing Listing

      In order to have the permissions to edit a listing you must be logged in with the account that added the listing or you must be logged in with the account that claimed an existing listing. 

      1. Login
      2. Visit the listing page
      3. You will see a cog icon (looks like a small gear) next to the Compare and Save button in the upper right of the page
      4. Clicking on that button will display the edition tasks that you can perform:
        • Edit Listing
        • Add Media
        • Edit Media


      To Edit the Listing information:

      1. Click on the Edit Listing link from the gear icon on the listing page
      2. Add or edit the information for the listing
      3. Save your changes at the bottom of the form


      To Add new media:

      To Add Images:

      1. Click the gear icon and select Add Media
      2. Click Upload Media and then Select Files
      3. Select the files from your computer to upload to the site (Basic listings only display 1, Premium Listings display 30). Images must be .jpg or .png and must not be larger than 2 MB
      4. You can change the title of an image by clicking on the title name and changing it to what you'd like. Hit the "Update Information" link to save the change
      5. If you'd like one of the uploaded images to be the main media (displays as the image on the grid and map pages and at the top of the listing) then click on the red star and Main Media link

      To Edit Existing Images:

      You can select an image as the Main Image, change the title, publish or unpublish an image, delete an existing image, or change the order in the image display in by following these steps:

      1. Click the gear icon from the listing page and select Edit Media
      2. You can select an image to be the Main Image by clicking on the star icon
      3. You can Publish/Unpublish an image by clicking on the checkmark or X icon
      4. You can rename an image by clicking the pencil icon
      5. You can delete an image by clicking on the Trash icon and you can reorder the images by clicking on the 4 lines on the far right of each image, holding the mouse button down, and dragging the image into the desired order.
      6. You don't need to hit a Save button, changes will take effect automatically

      To Add Attachments:

      Premium Listings are welcome to upload up to 4 PDFs like: brochures, flyers, menus, activity calendars, or applications. However, these items will only be displayed on Premium Listings, Basic Listings will not display these files. In order to add your PDFs, please follow these steps:

      1. Click the gear icon from the Listing page and click on Add media
      2. Click Upload Media
      3. Select the files from your computer to upload to the site. Files must be .pdf and must not be larger than 5 MB
      4. You can change the title of a file by clicking on the title name and changing it to what you'd like. Hit the "Update Information" link to save the change
      5. You are also welcome to give it a description or to give instructions for uploaded applications

      To Edit Existing Attachments:

      You can Publish/Unpublish attachments, Edit the title and Description, Delete attachments or re-order them by following these steps:

      1. Click the gear icon from the listing page and select Edit Media
      2. Click on the Attachments link at the top (only displays if attachments exist)
      3. You can Publish/Unpublish a file by clicking on the checkmark or X icon
      4. You can rename a title or change a description by clicking the pencil icon
      5. You can delete an image by clicking on the Trash icon
      6. You can reorder the files by clicking on the 4 lines on the far right, holding the mouse button down, and dragging the file into the desired order.
      7. You don't need to hit a Save button, changes will take effect automatically

       To Add a Video:

      1. Click the gear icon at the top of the listing
      2. Click Add media
      3. Click on the Link Video text
      4. Paste the video link (YouTube, Vimeo, or Dailymotion only) into the field provided and hit the Submit button
      5. You can edit the Title or Description, just click the Update Information link if you do make any changes
      6. You can ignore the Man Media star, videos will not be used as the main media

      To Edit Existing Videos:

      You can Publish/Unpublish videos, Edit the title and Description, Delete videos, or re-order them by following these steps:

      1. Click the gear icon from the listing page and select Edit Media
      2. Click on the Videos link at the top (only displays if videos exist)
      3. You can Publish/Unpublish a video by clicking on the checkmark or X icon
      4. You can rename a title or change a description by clicking the pencil icon
      5. You can delete an image by clicking on the Trash icon
      6. You can reorder the files by clicking on the 4 lines on the far right, holding the mouse button down, and dragging the file into the desired order.
      7. You don't need to hit a Save button, changes will take effect automatically